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We are so glad you're here! As you look through our superior line of USA MADE Outdoor gear, know that we carefully created each product with you in mind!
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The all new 2nd Generation TALON Frame just took simplicity and comfort to a whole new level! For 13 years we've been using and abusing our Gen-1 Grip and Talon Frames by hauling meat, quarters, sheds, firewood, bait barrels, treestands, blinds and pretty much anything else we can think of to test its durability and versatility.
Customize your setup to fit your unique needs with a wide selection of modular packs and accessories designed for our modular frames.
The BC Frames can be adjusted to fit most people. The Butterfly Harness moves up and down to adjust for Torso Length. The Shoulder straps articulate and by design, utilize your entire shoulder foundation for supporting your load.
Talon Frame is designed to fit Men, Women and Youth from approx. 5′ to 5’10”. Approx. weight 110 – 180 lbs.
Slightly taller, the Grip Frame is designed for Men, women and youth from 5′ 10″ and taller. Approximate weight 160+.
Ransom S.
Travis L.
Alex C.
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